Apple-curd roll

You need:

For filling:

  • 2 packages LameLeib Golden Lavash (You can also use Classic Lavash)
  • 400g vanilla curd
  • 100g vanilla curd paste
  • 3-4 apples
  • 3 eggs
  • 150g sugar
  • Cinnamon

For coating:

  • 1 egg
  • 70g sour cream
  • 30g sugar
  • 40g almond flakes
  • Oil


  1. Peel and cut apples into smaller pieces, with sugar caramelize them on a hot pan.
  2. In a big bowl make mixture for filling – mix curd, curd paste, 3 eggs and 130g sugar, cinnamon and caramelized apples together.
  3. In a smaller bowl make mixture for coating – mix 1 egg, sour cream, 30g sugar and almond flakes.
  4. Put lavashes on the table, one on top of another, about 7 cm of lavash should cover each other. Look at the pictures!
  5. Pour filling on lavashes, pour it evenly, leave free space on the edges. It is important to leave free space on top of the lavash edge (about 7-10 cm), so it is easier to roll lavash together.
  6. Roll and fold lavash together. Look at the pictures!
  7. Put curd roll on baking tray with baking paper on it.
  8. Put almond flake coating mixture evenly on lavash roll.
  9. Bake in the preheated oven at 185 degrees about 30 minutes.
  10. Then take curd roll out of oven and add thin layer of oil on it and bake in the oven for more 5 minutes.
  11. Enjoy LameLeib curd roll warm or cold!
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Apple-curd roll
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